Publication Policy
Last Updated:2020/4/1 12:01:25
Conference papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore and EI Compendex only if all three of the following requirements are satisfied: submit all publication materials, pay at least one full, regular registration, and present the work at the conference. Authors who are unable to attend and present their work must pay attention to special instructions in either C2 or C3.
A. Submit publication materials
The author must submit the final version of manuscript and IEEE Copyright Form before the due submission deadline. These are submitted through the paper submission system, which is entered from the conference website, don't forget to provide index terms (3 to 8) taken in the IEEE Taxonomy in order to have your paper referenced accurately in the main scientific data bases. IEEE is very strict about the requirements for PDF files for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore. Authors are encouraged to use the free IEEE PDF eXpress system to convert and check their files.
B. Pay full registration fee
An author must pay a full, regular registration fee before August 30th, 2018. Reduced registration fees (i.e. student registration, etc) are not considered regular, and will NOT be accepted for publication. NOTE: Each full, regular registration entitles an author to publish up two (2) papers. An additional paper fee is required for one author to include a third paper. Four papers requires 2 additional paper fees, etc.
C. Present the work
Presentation is defined as one of the following:
1. By author: Ideally, the primary author will attend the conference and present their contribution. This is the classical way of participating in conferences, and authors gain the greatest professional benefits.
2. By colleague: If the primary author cannot attend, then a qualified colleague may present the paper. A qualified colleague is one who is familiar with the technical field, and is capable of discussing the issues. The primary author misses the technical interaction, but fulfils professional obligations. NOTE: A full regular registration must be paid by the author of this paper even if the qualified colleague is an author of another paper in the conference.
3. Absent authors: If the author or qualified colleague cannot attend the conference, then the author must notify the Local Committee before August 30th, 2018. The absent author must also submit his/her work as a poster to the Local Committee ( ) no later than August 30th, 2018. The conference program committee will review the presentation, and then the poster will be presented in one of the Interactive Dialogue Sessions. In case the presentation is considered non acceptable, then the paper will be considered NOT PRESENTED.
NOTE: A full regular registration fee must be paid. Papers that do not meet all three requirements (A, B, and C) will be removed after the conference, and will not be submitted for either IEEEXplore or EI Compendex. No registration refund will be given in any case.
According to the above policy, the IEEE PEAC'2018 will publish and distribute at the Conference Proceedings with copyrighted content. All final papers will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore, BUT no-show papers will NOT be accessible from IEEE Xplore. No-show papers are copyrighted, however, cannot be re-published without permission from the IEEE.
A. Submit publication materials
The author must submit the final version of manuscript and IEEE Copyright Form before the due submission deadline. These are submitted through the paper submission system, which is entered from the conference website, don't forget to provide index terms (3 to 8) taken in the IEEE Taxonomy in order to have your paper referenced accurately in the main scientific data bases. IEEE is very strict about the requirements for PDF files for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore. Authors are encouraged to use the free IEEE PDF eXpress system to convert and check their files.
B. Pay full registration fee
An author must pay a full, regular registration fee before August 30th, 2018. Reduced registration fees (i.e. student registration, etc) are not considered regular, and will NOT be accepted for publication. NOTE: Each full, regular registration entitles an author to publish up two (2) papers. An additional paper fee is required for one author to include a third paper. Four papers requires 2 additional paper fees, etc.
C. Present the work
Presentation is defined as one of the following:
1. By author: Ideally, the primary author will attend the conference and present their contribution. This is the classical way of participating in conferences, and authors gain the greatest professional benefits.
2. By colleague: If the primary author cannot attend, then a qualified colleague may present the paper. A qualified colleague is one who is familiar with the technical field, and is capable of discussing the issues. The primary author misses the technical interaction, but fulfils professional obligations. NOTE: A full regular registration must be paid by the author of this paper even if the qualified colleague is an author of another paper in the conference.
3. Absent authors: If the author or qualified colleague cannot attend the conference, then the author must notify the Local Committee before August 30th, 2018. The absent author must also submit his/her work as a poster to the Local Committee ( ) no later than August 30th, 2018. The conference program committee will review the presentation, and then the poster will be presented in one of the Interactive Dialogue Sessions. In case the presentation is considered non acceptable, then the paper will be considered NOT PRESENTED.
NOTE: A full regular registration fee must be paid. Papers that do not meet all three requirements (A, B, and C) will be removed after the conference, and will not be submitted for either IEEEXplore or EI Compendex. No registration refund will be given in any case.
According to the above policy, the IEEE PEAC'2018 will publish and distribute at the Conference Proceedings with copyrighted content. All final papers will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore, BUT no-show papers will NOT be accessible from IEEE Xplore. No-show papers are copyrighted, however, cannot be re-published without permission from the IEEE.