Oral Presentation
All oral presenters should submit your presentation file and printed biography from 10:00am-17:00pm on Nov. 4th-5th at BOARD MEETING ROOM on the 2nd Floor.
Authors must assure that all fonts needed are embedded in their presentation files, which are compatible with Microsoft Office 2007.
To avoid disruption of the session, the author will not be allowed to use their own computer and files will need to be downloaded to the computer from a USB key.
The length of the presentation is restricted to 15 minutes, plus 5 minutes for questions, totaling 20 minutes for each paper.
All oral speakers are requested to attend the Speakers' Breakfast Meeting (7:00 a.m.-7:50, a.m.) on the day of the session that they will present.
For Dialogue Sessions– available poster surface area is restricted to 2000mm (height) x 950 mm (width)..
The author of each poster will have 2-3 minutes to orally introduce his/her work. The session chairs will move from one poster to the next consecutively. There are no formal PowerPoint presentations for Dialogue Sessions.
Tips on developing content for your Dialogue Session:
Poster Content
Central message (a summary of your work in 25 words or less)
Supporting information consisting of:
* Introduction (general research objectives, context of your work, clear statement of the hypotheses or predictions)
* Methods, Results and Discussion/Conclusion/Significance (your findings)
* Acknowledgements and Key References
Poster Design
Maintain a consistent style:
* The most effective posters provide minimal text.
* Use clear and simple language. Cut out the jargon as much as possible.
* Do not use more than two font types.
* Use colours sparingly and with taste.
* Titles and headings should appear larger than other text, but not too large. The text should be legible from a distance, say from 1.5m to 2m.
* Do not use all UPPER CASE type in your posters. It can make the material difficult to read.
* Include graphic images, and graphs.
* Equations should be kept to a minium; only present the necessary and important equations.
Poster Examples
For examples of scientific posters, please visit the website