Student Travel Fund Program
Last Updated:2020/4/1 12:02:39

In order to encourage students majoring in power electronics or related fields to attend IEEE PEAC’2018, PEAC’2018 offers financial supports to domestic and overseas students covering their partly travel fee. 


The travel fund is as follows: 
Domestic students: Travel Fund:1000RMB each, 
Number of Students: 60;
Overseas students: Travel Fund:3000RMB each, Number of Students: 15.


Applicants must meet all the following conditions in order to apply to IEEE PEAC’2018 Student Travel Fund Program.
1. The students must be an author or co-author of a paper that was accepted for presentation at IEEE PEAC’2018.
2. The student has registered to attend IEEE PEAC’2018.


A paper cannot be used to apply for more than one Travel Fund Program. A person cannot make repeated application.

The Travel Fund Program can be applied for by students from 16th July to 15th September, 2018 by logging in PEAC User Central, and clicking Student Travel Fund on the left of dashboard. The applicant is required to fill out an application and submit the following documents:
1. A resume 
2. A photo copy of your student certificate
Note: The resume should clearly indicate their IEEE PEAC’2018 registration number and their accepted paper number.


Travel Fund applications submitted by students will be evaluated by conference Committee.


In case the number of applicants exceeds the quota, preference will be given to Students with the more qualified papers.